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Quote Builder

Build a dynamic custom Quote to send to your business customers.

B2B Quoting For Goods

Official Quoting for Goods and Services

Prior to sending a Proforma or Sales Invoice many companies require an official quote for goods and services to be able to raise a Purchase Order (PO) and be clear on how much the final Invoice total will be.
Is A Quote Legally Binding?

What Exactly Is A Quote?

A quote essentially instigates a transaction between supplier and customer by formally setting out the amount the customer will be expected to pay for goods or services (i.e. time, labour, materials, resources etc). However quotes are not legally binding in the UK as a customer can refuse, ignore or counter the quoted figure. If the quote is accepted by the customer and requests are made thereafter; for instance, to buy materials then this could render the quote as legally binding.
Time Taken
Labour Costs
Material Cost
Resource Cost
Quotes & Estimates

Are Quotes And Estimates The Same?

It should also be noted that quotes do differ from “Estimates” which gives an approximation of costs whereas quotes tend to be more accurate and provide a detailed breakdown of costs and be true measure of what the customer will likely pay in future.
Quote Deposits

Does A Quote Require A Deposit?

No, a quote doesn't require a deposit but we would highly recommend you request for one, especially if you're dealing will either a new customer or a large order. Requesting for an amount or deposit to be paid upfront will ensure that the customer is fully committed to the transaction and to help pay towards the cost of fulfilling the contract to help with your cash flow.

Invoicey Quote Builder

Invoicey Quote builder enables you to build bespoke quotes and send them instantly for free. Time is of the essence when sending quotes as most customers are liaising with other compeiting companies to get a good gauge of the going rate of the products and/or services you business is selling.

Whilst your free to decide what to charge, sending a quote in good time can often go along way into winning new business as it gives a good first impression which may just be the deciding factor over your business winning business over a competitor.

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Security & Validation

Integrating Terms & Conditions

Create authenticity and validation through the addition of personalised terms and conditions. Tailor your business quotes around your business needs as well as your specific terms and conditions.
Implementing Terms and Conditions
Our Invoice Builder also enables you to implement terms and conditions specific to your line of business or industry and add statements which the customer has to tick in order for the Quote to be binding and returned to you.
Quote Validation
Within the Terms and Conditions is a dynamic customer signature pad where the customer can add their own signature digitally to give the quote extra validity as it demonstrates that the customer has read and understood the terms and conditions so that you can act upon this with clarity i.e. when purchasing materials etc knowing that they have consciously opted in and are committed.
Signature of Authenticity...
Sending and Confirmation
The customer can simply click “send” after accepting the quote which will then send an instant notification back to you via email and the dashboard manager, and a non-editable copy will also be sent to the customer which is dated and time stamped for version control.
Invoicey 🚀
Quote Sent Confirmation ✅( QuoteXYZ.pdf )
5min ago
Building A Quote

What Should Your Quote Include?

Ensure your quote includes correct and accurate information to prevent being contested further down the line and causing potential cash flow and customer relation issues.

Your Company Details

A quotation template should include the full contact details of your business, including your business name, address, email address, phone number, and (if applicable) VAT registration number or business registration number.

Your Customer Details

Company and representative name, phone number, email address and trading address.


Your quotation template should include the total amount due that the customer will be expected to pay. This should also include a breakdown of the individual products and services i.e. labour, materials, VAT, miscellaneous costs etc.

An Expiration Date

It is important to provide a “valid until” date as the cost of materials may increase and therefore you may end out of pocket if you keep your quote open ended and they accept months later causing you to absorb the additional costs. It also provides an incentive to the customer to accept the quote and gives you a good indicator if the customer is a serious/motivated buyer. Quotes are usually valid for 30-60 days.
Invoicey & Invoice Booster

Bespoke & Cutting Edge Quote Generation

After building your initial quote using the Quote builder you can then save it as a Pre-set template for future use so that you don’t have to keep inputting the same fields over-and-over again which will reduce the amount of time spent quoting new customers.

The initial quote information can also be easily migrated onto a sales Invoice ready to be sent directly to your customer. By enabling this feature it again reduces the amount of labour time spent manually inputting text into fields and reduces potential human error.

Efficient transfer of information between quote and invoice with our re-entering function. Improving accuracy and reducing errors and mistakes, saving time and eliminating the need for credit notes.
Transferring Details between Quote & Invoice
You can save time and reduce errors/mistake with our re-entering function. This help improve accuracy and eliminate the need for a credit note.
Direct link between invoices and quotes, ensuring transparency and clarity for the end customer with reference to the initial quote to avoid discrepancies.
Direct Link Between Invoices & Quotes
The Invoice also references the initial quote so the end customer can see that there are no discrepancies.

Payment Terms

The Quote Builder has default payment terms aligned with the Commercial Debt Regulations 2013 which is a pre-set feature however it can be altered to suit your payment terms if they fall outside these terms. However we would recommend keeping official payment terms if you do not have strong payment terms in place as this will give you greater leverage further down the line if the customer delays or refuses to pay. If you need more information about Late Payment Legislation please get in touch or click here.
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