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What is Remittance Advice?

Jul 20, 2022 | 1 min read

What is Remittance Advice?

Jul 20, 2022 | 1 min read

Remittance advice is a useful tool many business customers use to alert their supplier that they are due to make a payment in the near future or have paid for goods and/or services rendered.

Whilst remittance slips are not compulsory they a useful tool to notify business suppliers of confirm payment dates and link payments with different accounts. However, they are not necessarily to be relied upon solely for proof of payment and instead should be supplemented with a bank statement as absolute proof of payment if there are any discrepancies with payment dates etc.

It’s always best practice to make sending remittance advice slips a normal part of your invoice payment process.

Invoicey can help by using our templated digital remittance slip to send to business customers.

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